Traditional Publishing Request

Kingdom Winds Publishing has expanded to a Full Spectrum Publishing model, which includes offering an option for traditional publishing for select manuscripts. Accordingly, authors may specifically request to be considered for traditional publishing.

In some cases, we will make that determination and extend the option to authors based on the manuscript submitted and information that we have available us. In general, though, this decision is largely based upon whether we can project sufficient book sales to make it financially viable for us as a publisher. 

By submitting relevant information about yourself, your book, your sphere of influence, your promotional plans, expected support, and more, you can help make your case to have us invest in your book and extend a traditional publishing option. The form provides a template of the type of information that we evaluate and use in the decision-making process. 

Complete whatever information that you feel helps make your case. It is not required or necessary to complete all or even a certain percentage of the sections. Alternatively, if you already have a written proposal, please feel free to simply upload that document at the bottom of this form.

Traditional Publishing Request

Author's can use this form to make their case to be considered for traditional publishing.


Manuscript Details

Tell us about your book.
Provide a 1-2 line pitch on why we would want to invest in your book.
Provide a brief (500 words or less) summary of your book.
Copy and paste a sample (500-3000 words) from your book.
Are there books written by other authors that are similar to your book? if so, please indicate the tile and author.

Author Information

Tell us about you in 500 words or less.
If you are involved with a ministry or your own business, please tell us about it in 500 words or less.

Book Marketability and Sales Opportunities

Tell us about any previously published books, including sales volumes.
Tell us about your website and related traffic metrics.
Tell us about your website and related traffic metrics.
Do you have a presence on video or audio platforms?
Do you have a significant following on social media that will interested in buying or promoting your book to others? Please detail specific metrics such as followers, likes, shares, comments, clicks, video views, reach, mentions, etc.
Will you have book sale opportunities associated with live or virtual events?
Do you have an email list that would be prospects to purchase your book? If so, how many subscribers do you have and how often do you mail to them?
Will you be supported or endorsed by influencers, organizations, ministries, etc. related to the sale of your book? If so, please tell us about the support and endorsements you expect?
Please detail your plans and ideas to promote your book, including leveraging your sphere of influence, specific events, your online presence, affiliated organizations/churches, etc.
What sales volume would you project for your book from each source listed above and in total?
Please let us know anything else that you feel is relevant or that you want us to know.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, gdoc, gdocx, rtf, txt, Max. file size: 50 MB, Max. files: 3.
    If you have an already prepared proposal, you may upload it here.